Cultivating the Gift of Gratitude in Your Child

In the whirlwind of parenting toddlers and preschoolers, amidst the chaos of spills and scattered toys, it's easy to overlook the importance of instilling gratitude in our little ones. Yet, teaching our children the gift of gratitude from a young age can lay the foundation for a lifetime of happiness and contentment.

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Tessa Apa
When Is Too Much Screen Time Too Much?

This is a question most parents have asked themselves. The answer is not easy to find and there is no one size fits all when it comes to screen time for young children. Balance is the most important thing to consider. We live in a digital age and screens and screen time is very normal. Feeling guilty about your child watching 4 hours of Peppa Pig is unnecessary and unhelpful – instead, choose balance as a priority.

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Tessa Apa
Toddlers on a Plane

Hands up all those who have survived a long haul flight with a toddler! Not easy right? My son recently used the word HORRIFIC to describe his last fight  (yes in all caps!) followed by NEVER AGAIN!

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Timena Apa

The best part about gifting to small children is that they do not have any interest in what something has cost, or whether it’s the latest most amazing version of something (that comes later!)

The next best part about gifting to young children is that the unwrapping is almost as important as what is inside. Sometimes it seems to be more important.

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Timena Apa
Boredom Busters - under 5 edition

It’s not just School Holidays that require boredom busters for our children, teacher only days and long weekends need them too. Or maybe you have a child at home sick who needs entertaining?

As parents we know that when we make an effort our children respond – so why not try something new next time you have a day at home with your Little!

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Timena Apa
Do You Gaslight Your Child?

Child: That’s a scary room

Me: No, it’s not. Don’t be silly.

Child: I don’t like apples.

Me: Yes, you do! They’re yummy.

Child: I don’t like you.

Me: Yes you do!

Sound familiar?

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Timena Apa