Healthy Eating for Young Children

I don’t know about you, but the closer we get to Christmas, it feels like we eat a lot more sugary foods, treats and take-out. We all know this isn’t the best for our bodies or brains – especially for children.

So how do we encourage healthy eating in young children?

Here are five practical tips to help parents foster healthy eating habits in their children:

Lead by Example

It is up to us! Children learn by observing their parents. When they see you enjoying fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious foods, they’re more likely to follow suit. Try and eat meals together and ensure you are leading by example.


Make Healthy Foods Fun

Presentation can make a big difference for young children (and adults!). Transform fruits and vegetables into fun shapes or create colorful plates with a variety of options. You can also:

  •    Build "food art" with fruit faces or vegetable animals.

  •    Arrange foods by color to make the plate visually appealing.

  •    Use cookie cutters to create fun shapes out of sandwiches or fruits.


Involve Your Child in Meal Preparation

Children are more likely to eat foods they’ve helped prepare. Depending on their age, children can:

  •   Wash fruits and vegetables.

  •    Stir or mix ingredients.

  •    Help assemble dishes like sandwiches or pizzas.

Cooking together not only teaches valuable skills but also fosters a sense of ownership over their meals.


Offer Choices and Avoid Pressure

Instead of forcing children to eat certain foods, provide them with healthy choices and let them decide. For example:

  •     "Would you like carrot sticks or cucumber slices with your lunch?"

  •     "Do you want an apple or a banana for your snack?"

This approach gives children a sense of control and reduces mealtime stress, making them more willing to try new foods.


Be Patient with New Foods

It can take time for children to accept new flavours and textures. Offer new foods multiple times, in small portions, without pressure. Pair them with familiar favorites to make the experience less intimidating. Celebrate small victories, such as tasting a new vegetable, and remain consistent in your efforts.


What are your favourite tips and tricks for getting your child to eat healthy? Please share below!

Tessa Apa